Press Releases for Barefoot Kids

  • 959

    Ocean Marketing launches SEO services

    ‘Ocean Marketing’ a leading online marketing company announces the launch of their new SEO services

    By : | 10-01-2010 | Technology:Internet | Total Views : 959

  • 942

    ALR Raises Awareness for Barefoot Kids Charity

    The Association for Lifestyle Reform (ALR) is a member-based association that provides educational information and access to a number of discounted lifestyle benefits to its members.

    By : | 09-10-2010 | Lifestyle:Lifestyle | Total Views : 942

  • 1157

    Ocean Marketing Inc. to provide comprehensive social media services to Barefoot Kids Foundation

    Ocean Marketing Inc. will provide comprehensive social media services to Barefoot Kids Foundation, a Non-Profit Public Charity which provides new footwear to Kids in Need through their National Distribution Network currently in 36 cities throughout the USA.

    By : | 07-21-2010 | Technology:Internet | Total Views : 1157